Monday, May 5, 2014

Final Week of Student Teaching!

Space Night!

After all of the hard work the kids put into their space research projects they were finally able to present their multimedia presentations to their parents at Space Night! They chose between a few presentation options: a video, a Prezi (a fancy slideshow), and a Glogster (an online interactive poster). The students had plenty of class time to prepare and rehearse, and despite the technical difficulties we were experiencing during our final rehearsal, (Prezi's website was down... talk about bad luck) everything went off without a hitch that night. I was so proud of the kiddos, all of them did such an awesome job speaking in front of the crowd of parents and family (and I could tell the parents were impressed as well!) 

Farewell Party

Friday was my last day of student teaching EVER. Someone pinch me! It flew by and I really can't explain how surreal it feels to be finished with my portfolio and graduating in less than a week. On my last day, Mrs. MacInnes and the kids threw a goodbye party for me. We ate cookies, exchanged gifts, and I even got to teach the kids some of the games we play at my rec summer camp. Take a look at some of the cards they made me... so sweet!

(apparently I'm married ;)

Check out my gifts! Plenty of fun math books and my very first CD full of catchy educational songs (by Red Grammer)! My mentor teacher knows me well..

The game I taught them is called "Chief." Everyone sits in a circle. One person leaves the room and has to come back in and guess who the chief is. The chief leads the circle in movements, clapping, etc. The point is to trick the guesser by not looking directly at the chief when the movements change. (This game is pretty laid back and keeps the kids occupied--not to mention they absolutely love it! It's an awesome tool to have when you need to kill some time between transitions.)

Goodbye hugs!

It was so hard to say goodbye to these goobers, they really are a special group of kids. When I thanked them for being such great teachers to me, they looked at me like I had five heads. "But you're the teacher, Miss Meagher, we're the students." I explained to them that I learned so much about being a teacher from them; they were my teachers too! I'm so thankful to have had such an incredible student teaching experience. I can't wait to see what the future holds for me and my teaching career. Here's to new beginnings! Thanks for reading my blog... it has been real.

My mentor teacher, Cherrie and I! I adore her and can't thank her enough for all she has taught me  these past few weeks and the friendship we have shared.

And the obligatory group photo... what a bunch of knuckleheads! I love them all :)