Friday, January 17, 2014

Adventures of Room 8

Welcome to my blog!

Welcome! I decided to start this blog to keep track of all of the learning experiences, teachable moments, and memories of my time student teaching in Room 8, Mrs. White's 2nd grade classroom. The kiddos in Room 8 write weekly blogs, reflecting on what they have been doing in the classroom (it's amazing to watch second graders do this... I've already learned in my time here that if you give them the right tools, kids can accomplish anything); so I figured it was about time I got in on the action. This is my first time writing a blog, so please bear with me. Thanks for reading!

*To check out Room 8's blog (entries from the second graders themselves), click here!

(All photos have been taken and posted with permission and to protect the privacy of the students, names will not be used.)

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