Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Graphing with Smarties! (Week 4 continued)

Graphing with Smarties

Last week, I added a fun little twist to one of the lessons from the Everyday Math curriculum. The students learned about the five major food groups, and we did an activity where everyone in the class voted for their favorite food group and we tallied up the results.

Five Major Food Groups:

1. Fruits
2. Vegetables
3. Grains
4. Meat and Beans
5. Milk/ Dairy

Students then graphed the collected data using Smarties (yum) and used a key to represent the votes for each food group (color coordinated).

We combined Fruits and Vegetables into one group.

Lots of meat lovers in the class as you can see...

Objective: To provide experiences with collecting, sorting, tallying, and graphing data. Also to integrate math vocabulary and to understand how to use a "key" to graph data.

Vocabulary: basic food groups, data table, bar graph, key

We had a lot of fun... and they got to eat their Smarties  ;)

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