Monday, February 10, 2014

Week 5: Passport to Mexico

Subbing and Passport to Mexico

This past week was an exciting one. We had a snow day on Wednesday (which was much needed and well-deserved if I do say so myself) and I substitute taught for my mentor teacher for two full days, Thursday and Friday. Both days were full of improvisation, technical difficulties, and rushing around trying to make sure everyone was where they needed to be at the right time. It was a definite eye-opener (those who are close to me know that I struggle with time-management in my everyday life as it is) but a learning experience nonetheless. I thought I was totally prepared, but throughout those two days there was so much that I hadn't considered because it comes so naturally to my mentor teacher (she makes it look easy) that it took a little adjusting when I had to run the show all on my own. Overall, though, it went really well. The kids were great (although I did get to practice using my "teacher face" -- ask me to show you sometime, it's impressive) and I didn't lose anyone so that's a plus! I deserve a brownie.

My favorite part of the week was Monday because we got to go to Mexico! The librarian, Mrs. Smart, turned the library into Oaxaca, Mexico (it is amazing--check out the photos below) where the kids learned all about the country's culture and traditions. Every year, the library is transformed into a different country (last year was China) and it gets decked out in all sorts of traditional decor, games for the kids to play, crafts to do, and more. Mrs. Smart set up 27 stations this year! I was excited because I learned a thing or two while I was there. And I obviously tried on some traditional Mexican garb... say what you want, but in my opinion you're never too old for dress-up

These ladies are making Ojos de Dios... fun, educational, and great for practicing those fine motor skills.

 The kids had a lot of fun riding Paco, the Mexican donkey. 

Some of the students chose to build Aztec pyramids out of wood blocks.

Here the kids are weaving traditional Mexican baskets out of construction paper and yarn.

Puzzles are always fun! 

We played an Aztec Adventure trivia board game... not going to lie, some of the questions stumped me pretty good!


 Make your own Chili Pepper!

El Dia de los Muertos skulls

All of that fun stuff, and so much more! Stay tuned...

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